Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why is it so hard to Blog!?!

Well, it's been six hundred fifty three thousand five hundred and thirty eight years since we've had a post on here....ok, not that long, but close. What is it about blogging that is so hard? Better question...Why is it so hard to come up with something to write about God? I have pulled up this page, clicked "New Post" like fifty times in the last few months and come up dry. Apparently there was nothing worth saying about Christ or my relationship with Him.

I'm going to step out here today and attempt to change that and put pen to paper...err finger to little plastic button with letters on it.

After a nudging from E*rock (or what really amounts to a nice kick in the pants!) I have been reading and listening to Francis Chan. I have been reading his book "Crazy Love" and listening to some of his podcasts from his church. I love the way this guy thinks about God. I think it is similar to how I have thought about God in recent years, or at least how I've tried to think about God. Chan really seems to have a "high view" of God, as he puts it. Meaning, God is much bigger, greater, holier, stronger, more powerful and amazing than one little tiny human brain can fathom.

He takes the typical human reaction to God...being, "God do this, grant this, bless this, protect that," and turns it into, "God, who am I to demand anything of you? Do your will with me and let me be your servant." Regardless of however that may turn out (Chan points out that many times this could have a less than desirable outcome).

I think this is something that I, and many others I'm sure, need to hear more often. We get into these "relationships" with God where we just demand everything from Him and give nothing in return. When in reality we should be offering everything to him and asking for nothing but the love He has already granted us.


  1. I definitely like the idea of asking God to use me more than I ask him to do things in my life

  2. I agree with Kyle, But I also think it's really hard to do especially when times are hard I know I've been trying lately but it's way to easy for me to slip back into asking God to grant me all these things, and forgetting to say that it's His will that matters not mine.
