Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fireproof (Possible Spoiler!!)

Last year a movie called "Fireproof," with Kirk Cameron came out. It is a movie about a firefighter whose marriage is falling apart with a quickness because neither him or his wife believes that the other loves or respects them. To be honest, when I saw Kirk Cameron in this movie I said, "Haha, yeah right!" I mean, lets face it, he's no Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp. It was obviously a poorly acted movie.

Courtney ordered it on Netflix a few weeks ago and it has been sitting around our apartment so we decided last night to watch it. The first twenty minutes I'll admit I was regretting watching it. The acting was awful and the plot seemed so cliche. After it got into the story I was drawn in a little more.

It is the story of a man who realizes that he cannot truly love his wife until he learns what REAL love is and where it comes from. His father puts him up to a "Love Dare" in which he is to, each day for forty days, do a new act for his wife that puts her before himself, even if she never shows any appreciation. Over the course of the forty days he finds Christ, learns what love is, and wins his wife back.

Although it is a pretty low budget, poorly acted movie, it can really be motivating to any of us that are married or thinking about marriage. It shows what different "parasites" can do to a marriage. A parasite being anything that takes away from and eats at the true love in a marriage. In the movie this was pornography, pride, money and a few other things.

Now you don't have to be a porn addict to take something from this. I'd recommend anyone that is married or thinking about marriage to check out this movie. Make yourself watch it, even if some of the serious acting makes you want to laugh a little. It will at least get you thinking about your marriage and what may be a distraction or "parasite" for you as well as what you can do to show your spouse that you love him or her.

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